I sit here today having made my last post four weeks ago and only made a total of one post in the past eight weeks. Many things have come together to lead to this general decline in posting, but perhaps the biggest issues have been that as I spend more time in the practice of law, I get more clients, and have less time to dedicate to a blog. Combined with my growing family and a number of other time consuming issues that have arisen, it is becoming increasingly clear to me that my days of routinely posting blog updates are at an end.
When I started this blog in 2013, I had no idea of the readership I would gain or how rewarding this experience would be. As time wore on, however, my frequency of posting dropped, such that in May of last year I had to step back to posting every other week (see my update from then here). While I do feel like I have plenty more to say, I just don't have the time or energy to put together the quality of posts I can be satisfied with. In fact, I believe the quality of my posts has declined over the past year already, as I have already covered many of the broader issues I encounter day to day, and have instead gotten more and more specific with my blog posts. Specifics can be good, but they don't appeal to the wider audience I'm generally speaking to. I think there's a reason that to this day my most widely read posts are from 2014 and 2015 - in 2013 I was still getting this thing off the ground and learning what I was doing, and this year I struggled for much of the year finding topics I hadn't already covered with broad applications.
What this doesn't mean, however, is that I'm going anywhere. I'll still be happy to respond to inquiries and comments on this blog and I'll still be happy to schedule consults with blog readers. Moreover, any time the writing bug strikes me, I will do more posts - just not on any regular schedule. At a minimum, when new laws are passed that affect the accuracy of prior posts on this blog, I do hope to continue doing my annual "changes in the law" posts.
In the meantime, however, please enjoy what I've already posted. Doing this blog has been wonderfully rewarding, and I hope you, the readers, have gotten something out of it as well.
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